Summer 2022, Cohort B- Cohort Practitioner, Stacey
Courageous Conversation® About Race Practitioner Certification
The Practitioner Certification Program provides a certification process to develop individuals to lead Courageous Conversations About Race (CCAR) at the CCAR Practitioner Level. Practitioners work in their own districts and organizations to build system capacity and sustainability for racial equity transformation. The virtual certification courses combine online learning, video teleconferencing and field practice.
The Practitioner Certification Process is a comprehensive training program designed to enable qualified applicants to serve CCAR Practitioners. Courageous Conversation (CC) is the developer and owner of a unique diversity training Protocol: Courageous Conversations About Race (CCAR). The Practitioner Certification Program fulfills CC's intent to enable widespread implementation of the CCAR protocol to assist individuals, teachers, administrators, community members, parents, students, districts and more to begin to successfully create equitable organizations, classrooms, schools, and communities.
Upon successful completion of the program's 45-hour online training and live community of practice day, participants will receive the CCAR Practitioner certification.
CCAR Practitioner certification prepares individuals to:
- Recall, understand and apply each component of the Courageous Conversations About Race (CCAR) Protocol™
- Analyze and evaluate one's own racial being and place
- Understand and articulate their own adaptive leadership journey
- Work in collaboration with others, including but not limited to, their cohort and practitioner community
- Craft, expand, and articulate his/her Racial Autobiography™
- Understand their organizational vision and strategic plan and their role within that plan
- Create a Personal Racial Equity Purpose (PREP)
45-hour online training consists of:
- (2.0 hours) Welcome/Orientation: Complete course registration. Practice online technology components. Receive course outline and expectations for participation and completion.
- (2.0 hours) Scheduled online webinars: Participants are required to attend both one-hour webinars.
- (12.0 hours) Book Study: Required text: (2015) Courageous Conversations about Race by Glenn Singleton. Read and review text during course to complete modules. This is an essential piece to coaching Practitioner candidates as they progress through the online course.
- (20.0 hours) Instructional Online curriculum/module work.
- (8.0 hours) Self-Study and Peer Collaboration: Participate in interactive learning activities and receive coaching and feedback.
- (1.0 hour) Certifications Review.
The CCAR Practitioner Certificate is provided once online assignments, webinars and live training day are completed.
Your Coaches
The online certification program is designed to assist in your implementation of individual, organisational, and community practice and application of Courageous Conversations About Race.
Course Curriculum
Start[A] Welcome / Practitioner Certification Syllabus
Start[B] Orientation / On-Boarding
Start[C] Who Does What
Start[D] Sign Your Practitioner Commitment Statement
Start[E] Connect & Collaborate Office Hours Sessions
StartBook Study - Week 1
StartBook Study - Week 2
StartBook Study - Week 3
StartBook Study - Week 4
StartModule 1A: Adaptive Leadership / Mindful Inquiry (15:29)
StartModule 1B: Adaptive Leadership / Mindful Inquiry
StartModule 2A: Protocol – Compass and Agreements (9:42)
StartModule 2B: Protocol – Compass and Agreements (28:43)
StartModule 3: Protocol – Tier 1: Conditions 1 & 2 (24:26)
StartModule 4: Protocol – Tier 2: Conditions 3 & 4 (17:54)
StartModule 5: Protocol – Tier 3: Condition 5 (17:29)
StartModule 6: Protocol – Condition 6 (26:19)
StartModule 7: Systemic Racism / Future Organizational Planning (5:37)
StartModule 8: Racial Autobiography (17:19)